Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Floral Bridesmaid Dresses and a Broken Shoe

For wedding post number two, we have the bridal party, yay! 
I had nothing to do with the boy's clothing but all of the bridesmaid dresses were vintage from Salvage Life.  I started a collection of miscellaneous 1950's floral cotton dresses that matched Camille's specifications and then each girl came for a fitting and numbered the dresses from their top pick and so on.  Amazingly, no one had the same dress as their number one, so every girl got their first pick!
 It was crazy windy the day of the wedding, so our hair was blowing all around.  And my shoe broke, hence why I am not jumping in the second to last photo (I did try, but I must not have jumped very high).  I forgot to take any pictures of just my dress, so you can't see it super close, but it was the prettiest blue floral, I will certainly wear it again.
my boys!
Photos by Dansky Photography

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